PU-Maxi 1
Power, durability and a quieter option for washing with cold water.
Light, handy and easy to use commercial unit – perfect for around the home.
- Stainless steel body
- Painted steel frame
- 24 V control panel
- Electric cable 5 m
- Practical handle folding system
- Professional pump with 3 ceramic pistons, connecting rod/crank system and brass head
- Pressure gauge, pressure regulation and built-in detergent suction
- RPM: 1450
- SAFETY "TSI" Total Stop Intelligent: timed total-stop; micro-leakage warning; no water; machine shuts down after one hour of stand-by; motor overheating stop
- A.P. hose 10 mt
- Lance and gun
PU-Maxi 1 Cold Waterblaster
1740 PSI
11 LPM
Single Phase
Cold water unit